Good & Fair Clothing
Good & Fair Clothing is a dream, a vision, and a mission to do good and be fair to people. Our goal is for our clothing tell a story of respect, dignity, fairness, and ultimately, love. We are a fair trade and organic clothing company. Our clothes are certified fair trade from farm to factory. We use only organic cotton. We support cooperatives with farmers who switch to organic farming methods with training and resources.
Shelton Green launched Good & Fair Clothing (G&FC) in November of 2010. G&FC is now retail stores across the country and growing steadily. Shelton directed What’s Your Response?, a human trafficking awareness campaign in Texas. After learning that many of the thing we buy every day are produced through supply chains which are plagued with child labor, substandard pay, and at worst, slavery, he decided to create clothing with a supply chain that respects basic human rights, pays workers a fair wage, and guarantees worker rights.
Mohamed,one of the garment workers who makes our tee shirts and underwear, has been making clothes for a very long time in his home country of India. He now enjoys fair wages and his children attended school for free because our factory partner has committed to sending all employee children to school at no cost.He is also the preisdent of the Fair Trade Premium and Worker Improvement Committee which is responsible for looking after worker rights and how to distribute the fair trade premium the workers receive directly from Good & Fair Clothing. Education truly breaks the cycle of poverty. However, without available, honest work all the education in the world is of no use. That’s why it is so important that companies like G&FC commit to working with supply chains that treat all people with respect and dignity.
Good & Fair Clothing operates on a basic idea - no one should be hurt for the sake of our fashion. We are no longer willing to pay the high price of cheap clothing.
The tee shirts and underwear you can get from G&FC at Artreach allows you to get some fashionable clothing and do good at the same time. Your purchase changes life and keep the most vulnerable among us out of extreme poverty.
We are looking forward to meeting you and talking with you on November 12th!
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